More pics up
Also, more pictures up at Flikr, including Christmas pics.
Labels: pictures
A place for me to share my musings with friends and family.
After spending two days mainly just watching Katie and doing housework, I've decided that Matt's right.
What: The famous (among geeks) Leeroy Jenkins video Summary: Leeroy Jenkins ignores his parties detailed battle plans, choosing instead to use the "Damn the torpedos! Full speed ahead!" approach. His flabberghasted party has no choice but to follow, finding themselves in a horrible situation. Why I'm Posting it: George W. Bush is Leeroy Jenkins. (See my "Stared Items" for a link to a link to the person who made that connection. |
Labels: bush, funny, government, iraq
Up until very recently I have to admit I didn't get it. I didn't understand all the fuss about having your music in MP3 format or something similiar. While Matt was eating up terabytes on his "music server", I was happily still listening to my music primarily on CDs.
I don't know if I've written about this before, but it's definitely something I've been concerned about for a while.
President Bush has used executive signing statements more than all the other Presidents combined, and has used it in essence to rewrite portions of the law that Congress has passed. His latest, has caught the attention of many for it's similiarities to the domestic spying program that has many civil rights guardians on edge.
Here's the story on NPR.And a summary from it:
Bush has issued at least 750 signing statements during his presidency, more than all other presidents combined, according to the American Bar Association.
Typically, presidents have used signing statements for such purposes as instructing executive agencies how to carry out new laws.
Bush's statements often reserve the right to revise, interpret or disregard laws on national security and constitutional grounds.
"That non-veto hamstrings Congress because Congress cannot respond to a signing statement," ABA President Michael Greco has said. The practice, he has added, "is harming the separation of powers."
Labels: bush, government, signing statements
Here are some pictures I took in the earlier part of Decemeber - Christmas preparations! A keen eye will spot the picture we used for our Christmas cards this year. More to come soon.
Labels: pictures
March – 4 entries