Wednesday, May 24, 2006

A short guide to my blog

I probably should have posted this a long time ago. My goal with the blog is more than just a place to share my musings with family and friends. My intent is for it to be sort of a "hub" for all my online activity.

A perfect example of this is the beige "My starred items" sidebar. This box contains links to the last 5 articles I found interesting on the Net. So if you're ever looking for reading material, here's another yet another place you could look. (As if you probably don't have enough.) Clicking on the "Read in Google Reader" will pull up ALL of the articles I've marked (in Google Reader which is my RSS reader of choice).

Under that is my XBox Live Gamercard. If I owned an XBox 360 you could see interesting things about the games I've been playing lately. But since I only own a lowly Original XBox, there's not much to see here.

Also of note, is the very top sidebar: "Links". This has links to Matt's blog and Google News, along with more Mike Goodness.

"What's" is a link to my site. is a "Social Bookmarking" site - which means it's place you can keep bookmarks (Favorites for you IE-only folks) online and access them from any computer. And you get to share these bookmarks, and look around other
bookmarks for interesting stuff. This is sort of like my "My Starred Items" list, but more for general web sites rather than news items.

"Dugg" is a link to my news stories that I liked over at Digg is another news site that relies on it's readers for content. Other digg readers submit the news, vote on submitted news (Digg it), and the site shows the top ranked ones of the Front Page.

That's it for now, but eventually I also plan on including a way to view my digital pictures online and more.

If there is something else you would like to see here - no matter what - let me know!


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